
Posts Tagged ‘X-profile’

Signal Fusion of Changes in the Inductive Loop Impedance Components for Vehicle Axle Detection

October 6th, 2016

Abstract: The possibility of using the inductive loop sensor as an efficient axle detector of vehicles is presented in the hereby paper. The fundamental condition for using such sensors is the proper selection of its geometrical dimensions. The original conditioning system was applied for cooperating with the sensor. At this system’s output two signals (magnetic profiles) proportional the changes in its impedance components are obtained. Identification results of the function parameters allowing the optimal fusion of the conditioner output signals for various vehicle classes, as well as the axle detection algorithm, were also presented. The applying inductive sensors good point is the possibility of detecting lifted axles in vehicles, which is impossible when currently widespread load sensors are applied.
Published in: 2016 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR)

DOI: 10.1109/MMAR.2016.7575082

Publikacja , , ,

Inductive Loop for Vehicle Axle Detection From First Concepts to the System Based on Changes in the Sensor Impedance Components

December 15th, 2015

This paper presents the state of currently used technological solutions employed in research regarding the use of inductive loop sensor (IL) for vehicle axle detection. Inductive loop sensors are less expensive and more durable than other sensors available on the market. What is more, they are the only type of sensor that enables lifted axle detection. System with such sensors may be used for measurement of speed, number, distance and arrangement of vehicle axles. Available know-how of sensor constructions and signal conditioners are also presented, in particular: LC-generators, microloops, “blade” sensors, AC-bridge base system, and a new system based on changes in the IL impedance components. The new solution of the system cooperating with narrow IL is the original part of the paper. This system allows independent measurement of the changes in the IL impedance components. Latest research has shown that the efficiency of the vehicle axle detection of this system, ranges from 98-100 %, and 71.8 % for vehicles traveling with a lifted axle. It should be stressed that other sensors do not allow the detection lifted axles at all. This means that the inductive loop sensors can successfully replace the less durable and more expensive traditional vehicle load axle detectors.

DOI: 10.1109/MMAR.2015.7283972

Publikacja , ,